At the end of each calendar year, organizations are able to provide Year-End Giving Statements to their supporters. Donor Statements will include donations processed and recorded within Anedot, including Cash, Check, In-kind, and Offline Card records.
Note: Donor Statements will only include transaction records associated with the donor's personal Email Address or Phone Number.
Warning: If an Email or Phone Number was not entered during internal processing or a generic email such as noemail@ or null@ was submitted, the donation record(s) will NOT be included in the Donor Statements. A custom Donor Statement would need to be created outside of Anedot for these records.
Donor Statement Details
Within each Donor Statement, the following details are included:
Account Display Name
Disclaimer Language
Donor Contact Details
The Organization's Public Phone Number and Email Address
Summary of Giving Totals
Individual Donations
If a donor opted to cover the processing fees for their contribution, the fees will be included in the Total Amount.
For 501(c)3 organizations, an additional Tax Deductible column is included. The Tax Deductible amount will match the Total Amount, unless a product was purchased.
For non-501(c)3 organizations, the Tax Deductible column is not shown.
Customize Donor Statements
Access the Settings>Finance>Donor Statements tab within your fundraising account to customize your Donor Statements.
Here, you can customize the following:
Reply Email
Disclaimer Language
Once you have finished customizing your statements, click the blue Save Settings button.
An example Donor Statement cannot be viewed until statements have been sent successfully. To view an example Donor Statement, visit the previous guide.
Send Donor Statements
To release the statements to your supporters who provided an Email with their contributions, click the Send Donor Statements button in the lower right corner.
For donors who only provided a Phone Number, you will be able to download their statements internally. These statements will not be sent by email.
A Confirm Sending popup will appear on your page prior to sending. Click Yes, send donor statements to continue, or Cancel to abandon ship.
Once you have clicked Yes, send donor statements, the statements will begin sending at 5 am CST the next day.
A blue View Statements hyperlink will be available within the Donor Statement email. This hyperlink will redirect donors to download a PDF of their Donor Statement.
Warning: Donor Statements can only be sent once per year. Once the statements have been sent, this cannot be undone.
Download Donor Statements
Once Donor Statements have been sent successfully, the statements can be downloaded within the Relationships>Donor Statements tab of the fundraising account.
Navigation: www.[env].com/accounts/[Account ID]/statements
Tip: Donors who provided an Email with their donation will automatically receive their statement by email.
For donors who only provided a Phone Number for their donations, their statements will need to be downloaded from Anedot and sent manually.
To search for a donor's statement, access the Filter menu in the far right corner of the page.
Next, enter one or a combination of the following:
Email (Optional)
Phone (Optional)
Formatting must be removed from the 10-digit number entered. Example: 2252501301
Year (Required)
To view your search results, click Apply Filters, then click X in the upper right corner to close the Filter menu.
To download a statement, hover over the Email column and click Download. A PDF document that can be downloaded to your device will be generated.
Generate a New Donor Statement
Click the blue New Statement button in the upper right corner of the Relationships>Donor Statements tab to generate a new statement.
Note: New statements cannot be generated until the initial batch is sent from the Settings>Finance>Donor Statements tab.
To generate a new statement, enter an Email or Phone Number; at least one must be provided, then enter the Year (required).
Tip: Formatting must be removed from the 10-digit Phone Number entered. Example: 2252501301
Disclaimer: If a statement already exists, a new statement will not be generated.
If an Email or Phone Number is entered but is not linked to any donations, a blank statement will be generated.
You can accidentally generate the same statement multiple times for statements using phone