At Anedot, we value privacy and security. Before accepting donations using Anedot, we must verify your identity by collecting the following information.
If you do not currently have access to the requested documents requested, you may still complete your application by uploading your EIN document from the IRS and connecting a valid bank account.
Our team may request additional documentation once the application has been submitted. This may delay the verification timeline for your application.
Application Requirements
Applicant's Email
Applicant's Phone number
Entity Legal Name
Entity Type
Valid Tax ID (IRS Letter CP-575)
We do not accept Social Security Numbers (SSN)
An EIN is required to submit a successful application
Legal address
Physical address
Legal Contact (This is an individual that has financial authority for the organization and is able to serve as the Owner of the account)
Business Checking Bank Account Details (for funds transfer)
We require a Business Checking account for transfers
Additional Requirements
Nonprofit Organizations and Education Institutions
IRS Letter CP-575 (required)
Annual Report
IRS Determination Letter
Articles of Organization
Certificate of Good Standing (from Secretary of State)
Tip: If you have not yet received your 501(c)3 confirmation, you may submit a copy of your 501(c)3 application and the proof of payment for filing.
IRS Letter CP-575 (required)
Articles of Organization
Certificate of Good Standing (from Secretary of State)
Political Organizations and Campaigns
IRS Letter CP-575 (required)
Election Filing Document
IRS Letter CP-575 (required)
Certificate of Good Standing (from Secretary of State)