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Updated over 5 months ago

Anedot's integration with Mailchimp sends leads and donations to the platform for Action Pages.


  1. You can connect Anedot to Mailchimp by going to Settings>Integrations.

  2. Select which Action Pages you would like to sync with MailChimp (default: all Action Pages).

  3. Optionally, you can enter a comma separated list of Action Page IDs that you would like excluded from MailChimp.

  4. Optionally, you can also scope the integration to only send team-specific data to MailChimp (if no team is selected it will sync all Action Pages specified in the fields above).

  5. Enter your MailChimp API Key.

  6. Enter your MailChimp List ID (also known as Audience ID).

  7. Once you save the credentials, you are all set!

The Action Pages, Team, and credentials can be modified at any time post-setup.

If you need more help finding your Audience ID or your API Key, please get in touch with Mailchimp's Technical Support.

Data Relays

  • We send relays for financial and non-financial pages.

  • Push Unsent (all donations) + date range for relays works for financial and non-financial Pages.

  • MailChimp merges/de-duplicates based on email so if details change for that user, the field is overwritten by the newest relay. For example, if a donor makes another donation and uses a different name but the same email, the DONATEDATE & AMOUNT & FNAME will match the most recent relay, overwriting whatever used to be in those fields.

  • The relay will create a new contact record in MailChimp. There does not seem to be any notification or email from MailChimp’s side when this occurs.

  • When creating your “Audience fields and |MERGE| tags” (Audience > View Contacts > Settings > Audience fields and |MERGE| tags), you will need to match with the available Field Tags exactly.

  • “FNAME” - Anedot’s First Name field

  • “LNAME” - Anedot’s Last Name field

  • “PHONE” - Anedot’s Phone field

  • “STREET” - Anedot’s Address - Street Line 1 field

  • “STREET2” - Anedot’s Address - Street Line 2 field

  • “CITY” - Anedot’s Address - City field

  • “STATE” - Anedot’s Address - State field

  • “ZIPCODE” - Anedot’s Address - Zip Code field

  • “UTMCAMPGN” - Anedot’s UTM Campaign field

  • “UTMCONTENT” - Anedot’s UTM Content field

  • “UTMMEDIUM” - Anedot’s UTM Medium field

  • “UTMSOURCE” - Anedot’s UTM Source field

  • “UTMTERM” - Anedot’s UTM Term field

  • “SRCECODE” - Anedot’s Source Code field

  • “EVENT” - “Anedot: Submission Completed” (for AP donations and submissions)

  • “AMOUNT” - Donation Amount (0 if lead page)

  • “DONATEDATE”- Submission date

  • “DONATEURL” - Page URL

  • “FUNDALLOC” - Fund ID and Amount

  • “OPTINPHONE” - Anedot’s Communications Consent - Phone field

  • “OPTINEMAIL” - Anedot’s Communications Consent - Email field

  • All Custom Fields added to an Action Page and saved on the submission can be relayed along with the standard data. In order for you to see Custom Field data in MailChimp, the Merge Tag name MUST be identical to the tag name we send in the data, which will be reformatted from the Custom Field Label as follows:

    • Locate your Custom Field Label within the Action Page Builder. Select Form, then edit your Custom Field.

    • Remove all spaces and special characters.

    • Only include the first 10 characters and use uppercase lettering.

      • Example:

        • Custom Field Label: “Which feature would you like to learn more about?”

        • Merge Tag name sent to MailChimp: WHICHFEATU

    • This is done to format the names following MailChimp standards and validations.

    • Tip: If you have multiple Custom Field Labels that begin with the same first 10 characters, you may need to update the additional Custom Field Labels to have unique characters within the first 10 characters.

If there are 5 failed relay attempts in a row, the integration is marked “inactive” and no longer attempts relays.

Custom Fields

All Custom Fields added to an Action Page and saved on the submission can be relayed along with the standard data. In order for you to see Custom Field data in Mailchimp, care must be taken to include the additional Merge Tags as noted in the Guide above.

The Merge Tag name MUST be identical to the tag name we send in the data, which will be reformatted from the Custom Field Label as follows:

  1. Locate your Custom Field Label within the Action Page Builder. Select Form, then edit your Custom Field.

  2. Remove all spaces and special characters.

  3. Only include the first 10 characters and use uppercase lettering.


    • Custom Field Label: "Which feature would you like to learn more about?"

    • Merge Tag name sent to Mailchimp: WHICHFEATU

This is done to format the names following Mailchimp standards and validations.

If you have multiple Custom Field Labels that begin with the same first 10 characters, you may need to update the additional Custom Field Labels to have unique characters within the first 10 characters.

Field Mapping

Anedot Field Name

MailChimp Tag Name







address {line_1}


address {line_2}


address {city}


address {region}


address {postal_code}


utmCodes {campaign}**


utmCodes {content}**


utmCodes {medium}**


utmCodes {source}**


utmCodes {term}**




“Anedot: Submission Completed” (for AP donations and submissions)


donation_amount (0 if lead page)


Submission date


Action Page’s URL


Fund ID and Amount


communications_consent_phone (“true” or “false”)


communications_consent_email (“true” or “false”)


**UTM fields can be added to the Page URL in the AP Builder.

Payload Data

Request Headers


Request Body

"merge_fields": {
"CITY": "New Orleans",
"EVENT": "Anedot: Submission Completed",
"FNAME": "Annie",
"LNAME": "Dot",
"PHONE": "8765678987",
"STATE": "LA",
"AMOUNT": "100.0",
"STREET": "1340 Poydras St",
"STREET2": "",
"UTMTERM": "",
"ZIPCODE": "70112",
"FUNDALLOC": "InternalIdentifier:1001,Amount:100.0",
"DONATEDATE": "05/05/2023",
"email_address": [email protected]",
"status_if_new": "subscribed"

Response Body (Success)

"id": "96e28bd38b0f19d052922a4aadc6d539",
"vip": false,
"tags": [],
"stats": {
"avg_open_rate": 0,
"avg_click_rate": 0
"_links": [{
"rel": "self",
"href": "",
"method": "GET",
"targetSchema": ""
}, {
"rel": "parent",
"href": "",
"method": "GET",
"schema": "",
"targetSchema": ""
}, {
"rel": "update",
"href": "",
"method": "PATCH",
"schema": "",
"targetSchema": ""
}, {
"rel": "upsert",
"href": "",
"method": "PUT",
"schema": "",
"targetSchema": ""
}, {
"rel": "delete",
"href": "",
"method": "DELETE"
}, {
"rel": "activity",
"href": "",
"method": "GET",
"targetSchema": ""
}, {
"rel": "goals",
"href": "",
"method": "GET",
"targetSchema": ""
}, {
"rel": "notes",
"href": "",
"method": "GET",
"targetSchema": ""
}, {
"rel": "events",
"href": "",
"method": "POST",
"targetSchema": ""
}, {
"rel": "delete_permanent",
"href": "",
"method": "POST"
"ip_opt": "",
"source": "API - Generic",
"status": "subscribed",
"web_id": 600306575,
"list_id": "c90e84a68f",
"language": "",
"location": {
"dstoff": 0,
"gmtoff": 0,
"region": "",
"latitude": 0,
"timezone": "",
"longitude": 0,
"country_code": ""
"full_name": "Annie Dot",
"interests": {
"2c37dcdb40": false,
"6c3e2d4b9b": false
"ip_signup": "",
"contact_id": "5f55b3c36ed692ad1a5da38edc8ffa2d",
"email_type": "html",
"tags_count": 0,
"email_client": "",
"last_changed": "2023-05-08T17:15:13+00:00",
"merge_fields": {
"CITY": "New Orleans",
"EVENT": "Anedot: Submission Completed",
"FNAME": "Annie",
"LNAME": "Dot",
"PHONE": "8765678987",
"STATE": "LA",
"AMOUNT": 100,
"STREET": "1340 Poydras St",
"STREET2": "",
"UTMTERM": "",
"ZIPCODE": "70112",
"FUNDALLOC": "InternalIdentifier:1001,Amount:100.0",
"DONATEDATE": "2023-05-05",
"email_address": "[email protected]",
"member_rating": 2,
"timestamp_opt": "2022-09-02T21:08:21+00:00",
"unique_email_id": "b3ed7ab68f",
"timestamp_signup": "",
"consents_to_one_to_one_messaging": true

Response Body (Failure 1)

"type": "",
"title": "Resource Not Found",
"detail": "The requested resource could not be found.",
"status": 404,
"instance": "3b8bda84-fdad-22ea-6fec-9ae4c79379ca"

Response Body (Failure 2)

"type": "",
"title": "API Key Invalid",
"detail": "Your API key may be invalid, or you've attempted to access the wrong datacenter.",
"status": 401,
"instance": "207e182a-1468-3455-a18f-41d286d25188"

Response Body (Error)


Response Status (Success)


Response Status (Failure 1)


Response Status (Failure 2)


Response Status (Error)

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