Zapier is an online automation tool that connects over 6,000 apps. It enables users to create automated workflows, called "Zaps," by linking trigger events in one app to actions in another. This allows for the seamless automation of tasks between different Anedot and other platforms.
Connect Anedot to Zapier
To connect Anedot to Zapier, follow the steps below:
In Anedot:
Access the Settings>Integrations>Directory tab within your fundraising account.
Click the blue + New Connection button in the upper right corner.
Select Zapier from the directory of integrations.
Next, log in to Zapier through Anedot. If you already have Zaps set up for the account, they will appear here.
To set up new Zaps, you will need to get your Anedot API Token.
To access your Anedot API Token, access the dropdown in the upper right corner of your Anedot menu, then select 'Login and Security.' Scroll down to the bottom of the 'Login and Security' tab to access the API Token.
In Zapier:
Within Zapier, to create a new Zap, choose Anedot as the app and choose your desired event.
Recommended app version: latest, publicly available version.
You can choose from 3 event types:
AP Donation Completed
Submission Created
Donation Refunded/Voided
See Image 1 and 2
Next, connect your Anedot account (choose from the dropdown or connect your account).
You will need your Anedot email and API Token. See step 5 above for further instructions.
If you have already connected your API Token to Zapier, select the account from the Choose Account list.
See Image 3 and 4.
Click Continue or the Set up trigger section, then choose an Account UID from the list.
Optionally, you can select a specific Action Page ID you'd like to sync with Zapier. If you want data from all Action Pages to sync with Zapier, leave this section blank.
See Image 5.
Continue setting up the rest of your Zap based on the data you need for your specific workflow. This will complete the connection! The Zapier integration will appear in your Integration Directory.
Use the Field Mapping guide to map Anedot fields to Zapier.
See Image 6.
Optionally, if you would like to subscribe to all Donation Events, contact our Support team here for further assistance!
If the data available within Anedot's direct integration does not suit your organization's needs, you can set up a webhook integration and connect your Zap to the webhook instead of the Anedot app.
Please note that email addresses used in Zapier are case-sensitive and must be correct for your current account credentials.
Zapier Webhooks
To set up Zapier Webhooks, follow the steps below:
In Zapier:
Within Zapier, create a new Zap.
Choose Webhooks by Zapier as the app and Catch Hook as the event.
Click on Continue or on the Test trigger tab.
Copy the Webhook URL provided by Zapier.
In Anedot:
Access the Settings>Integrations>Directory tab within Anedot.
Click the blue + New Connection button in the upper right corner.
Select Webhook from the directory of integrations.
Paste the Zapier Webhook URL in the Webhook URL field.
Continue setting up the rest of your Zap based on the data you need for your specific workflows! This will complete your connection!
Zapier Data Relays
Anedot only supports showing requests when connecting Zapier with the Anedot app.
When using Zapier Webhooks, you can push unsent donations, as well as update or delete the connection.
There are three types of relay events:
Submission Created
Donation Completed
Donation Refunds/Voids
This is dependent on which event the Zap is subscribed to.
If a field is not available for selection in the Zapier UI, you can manually input the field using {{ }}. For further instructions, check out the Field Mapping guide.
Zapier Field Mapping
When setting up the data for your Zap, the search function may not find the property you need (as referenced in the tables below). In lieu of selecting from the dropdown menu, double curlies can be used with the values (in the "Zapier Field" columns in the below tables) to indicate the desired property. Zapier will recognize the field and capture the data if the field/data exists.
Example: you can add items like these: {{payload__fees__anedot_fees__amount}}. The included double underscoring is important as Zapier uses them to denote the nesting of the fields inside of other fields like this: payload: {fees: { anedot_fees: {amount: $xx}}}.
Submission Event
The Anedot Fields match the Submission's Raw Data (unless specified otherwise in parenthesis), and the Zapier Fields match the Request Body relay.
Anedot Field | Zapier Field |
"submission_created" | event |
(Submission) id | payload__id |
payload__email | |
phone | payload__phone |
title | payload__title |
suffix | payload__suffix |
referrer | payload__referrer |
utmCodes {term} | payload__utm_term |
paymentMethod {cardType} | payload__card_type |
donationId | payload__donations__id |
anedotFeeAmount (net amt in Donations -> Entries) | payload__donations__fees__anedot_fees__amount |
vendorFeeAmount (net amt in Donations -> Entries) | payload__donations__fees__vendor_fees__amount |
account {displayName} | payload__donations__fees__vendor_fees__account |
"Donation from" firstName lastName | payload__donations__fees__vendor_fees__description |
actionPagesFund {id} | payload__donations__fund__id |
actionPagesFund {name} | payload__donations__fund__name |
actionPagesFund {identifier} | payload__donations__fund__identifier |
(Product) id | payload__donations__product__id |
Internal SKU (Product) | payload__donations__product__code |
Product Name (Product) | payload__donations__product__name |
Product Value (*in dollars* - Product) | payload__donations__product__value |
netAmount (x100) | payload__donations__net_amount |
grossAmount (x100) | payload__donations__gross_amount |
feesPaidByDonor ("true" or "false") | payload__donations__fees_paid_by_donor |
lastName | payload__last_name |
created_at | payload__created_at |
firstName | payload__first_name |
ipAddress | payload__ip_address |
occupation | payload__occupation |
(Product) id | payload__product_id |
updatedAt (right above utmCodes in Submission Raw Data) | payload__updated_at |
utmCodes {medium} | payload__utm_medium |
utmCodes {source} | payload__utm_source |
account {id} | payload__account_uid |
middleName | payload__middle_name |
source_code | payload__source_code |
utmCodes {content} | payload__utm_content |
account {name} | payload__account_name |
address {city} | payload__address_city |
Internal SKU (Product) | payload__product_code |
Product Name (Product) | payload__product_name |
utmCodes {campaign} | payload__utm_campaign |
employerName | payload__employer_name |
Product Value (*in dollars* - Product) | payload__product_value |
(Action Page) id | payload__action_page_id |
address {line1} | payload__address_line_1 |
address {line2} | payload__address_line_2 |
address {region} | payload__address_region |
address {country} | payload__address_country |
"paymentMethod {cardMonth} / paymentMethod {cardYear}" | payload__card_expiration |
donations {amount} (x100) | payload__donation_amount |
actionPage {name} | payload__action_page_name |
paymentMethod {lastDigits} | payload__card_last_digits |
donorProfileId | payload__donor_profile_id |
payload__referrer_to_form | |
paymentRequests {responseTime} | payload__created_at_iso8601 |
currentlyEmployed ("true" or "false") | payload__currently_employed |
updatedAt | payload__updated_at_iso8601 |
address {postalCode} | payload__address_postal_code |
paymentMethod {type} | payload__payment_method_type |
customFieldResponses {multiple fields} | payload__custom_field_responses__{multiple fields} |
communicationsConsentEmail | payload__communications_consent_email |
communicationsConsentPhone | payload__communications_consent_phone |
Donation Events
The Anedot Fields match the Submission's Raw Data (unless specified otherwise in parenthesis), and the Zapier Fields match the Request Body relay.
Anedot Field | Zapier Field | Donation Event Type |
"donation_completed", "donation_refunded", or "donation_voided" | event | completed, refunded, & voided |
paymentRequests {responseTime} | payload__date | completed |
"firstName middleName lastName" | payload__name | completed |
payload__email | completed, refunded, & voided | |
phone | payload__phone | completed, refunded, & voided |
title | payload__title | completed, refunded, & voided |
donations {origin} | payload__origin | completed, refunded, & voided |
paymentMethod {type} | payload__source | completed |
(Donation) status | payload__status | completed |
suffix | payload__suffix | completed, refunded, & voided |
(Donation) id | payload__donations__id | completed, refunded, & voided |
anedotFeeAmount (net amt in Donations -> Entries) | payload__donations__fees__anedot_fees__amount | completed, refunded, & voided |
vendorFeeAmount (net amt in Donations -> Entries) | payload__donations__fees__vendor_fees__amount | completed, refunded, & voided |
actionPagesFund {id} | payload__donations__fund__id | completed, refunded, & voided |
actionPagesFund {name} | payload__donations__fund__name | completed, refunded, & voided |
actionPagesFund {identifier} | payload__donations__fund__identifier | completed, refunded, & voided |
Product Name (Product) | payload__donations__product__name | completed, refunded, & voided |
Internal SKU (Product) | payload__donations__product__internal_identifier | completed, refunded, & voided |
paymentMethod {cardType} | payload__donations__card_type | completed, refunded, & voided |
paymentMethod {lastDigits} | payload__donations__card_last_digits | completed, refunded, & voided |
N/A (FOTF custom field) | payload__donations__donation_project | completed, refunded, & voided |
"paymentMethod {cardMonth} / paymentMethod {cardYear}" | payload__donations__credit_card_expiration | completed, refunded, & voided |
referrer | payload__referrer | completed, refunded, & voided |
(Commitment) frequency | payload__frequency | completed, refunded, & voided |
lastName | payload__last_name | completed, refunded, & voided |
"true" or "false" | payload__recurring | completed, refunded, & voided |
created_at | payload__created_at | completed, refunded, & voided |
firstName | payload__first_name | completed, refunded, & voided |
ipAddress | payload__ip_address | completed, refunded, & voided |
netAmount (x100) | payload__net_amount | completed, refunded, & voided |
occupation | payload__occupation | completed, refunded, & voided |
updatedAt (right above utmCodes in Submission Raw Data) | payload__updated_at | completed, refunded, & voided |
account {id} | payload__account_uid | completed, refunded, & voided |
middleName | payload__middle_name | completed, refunded, & voided |
source_code | payload__source_code | completed, refunded, & voided |
account {name} | payload__account_name | completed, refunded, & voided |
address {city} | payload__address_city | completed, refunded, & voided |
donations {checkNumber} | payload__check_number | completed |
paymentRequests {responseTime} | payload__date_iso8601 | completed |
netAmount (under Donation - Entries) | payload__event_amount | completed, refunded, & voided |
employerName | payload__employer_name | completed, refunded, & voided |
(Submission) id | payload__submission_id | completed, refunded, & voided |
(Action Page) id | payload__action_page_id | completed, refunded, & voided |
address {line1} | payload__address_line_1 | completed, refunded, & voided |
address {line2} | payload__address_line_2 | completed, refunded, & voided |
address {region} | payload__address_region | completed, refunded, & voided |
(Commitment) id | payload__commitment_uid | completed, refunded, & voided |
address {country} | payload__address_country | completed, refunded, & voided |
actionPage {name} | payload__action_page_name | completed, refunded, & voided |
*number | payload__commitment_index | completed |
donorProfileId | payload__donor_profile_id | completed, refunded, & voided |
payload__referrer_to_form | completed, refunded, & voided | |
donations {amount} (x100) | payload__amount_in_dollars | completed, refunded, & voided |
donations {paymentMethodId} | payload__payment_method_id | completed, refunded, & voided |
paymentRequests {responseTime} | payload__created_at_iso8601 | completed, refunded, & voided |
currentlyEmployed ("true" or "false") | payload__currently_employed | completed, refunded, & voided |
updatedAt | payload__updated_at_iso8601 | completed, refunded, & voided |
address {postalCode} | payload__address_postal_code | completed, refunded, & voided |
Transactions Side-drawer Payment Method | payload__payment_description | completed |
customFieldResponses {multiple fields} | payload__custom_field_responses__{multiple fields} | completed, refunded, & voided |
"true" or "false" | payload__is_recurring_commitment | completed, refunded, & voided |
(Commitment) schedule_until | payload__commitment_recurring_until | completed |
communicationsConsentEmail | payload__communications_consent_email | completed, refunded, & voided |
communicationsConsentPhone | payload__communications_consent_phone |
The commitment_index indicates which donation is represented by this recurrence. The first recurrence is actually the second donation (original submission = first).
Zapier Payload Examples
Request Headers
"X-Integration-Event" will be dependent on the Zap event selected: "submission_created", "donation_completed", "donation_refunded", or "donation_voided".
"User-Agent": "Anedot-Hookshot/9d7916a",
"X-Request-Id": "bf5315cd-b2bf-485d-b610-cf6c49562930",
"X-Integration-Id": "6348f813-c843-4db6-b9ab-48e77194fb65",
"X-Integration-Event": "submission_created",
"X-Request-Signature": "01dfc4f657ce59d893b3126717590f93735123e89e1f9453df482c726eb6d2f7"
Request Body (Submission Created)
"event": "submission_created",
"payload": {
"id": "808b13ca-d553-40a0-9fed-88e70d55e269",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "",
"title": "",
"suffix": "",
"referrer": "",
"utm_term": "",
"card_type": "american_express",
"donations": [{
"id": "d97c1ba8858917fc98d54",
"fees": {
"anedot_fees": {
"amount": "8.55"
"vendor_fees": [{
"amount": "200.00",
"account": "The Vendor Digital Agency",
"description": "Donation from Annie Dot"
"fund": {
"id": "f1cd841f-41ac-454b-913a-f9151b141415",
"name": "General Fund",
"identifier": "6"
"product": {
"id": "435e1cdf-bcfc-4735-a83b-5916fff8c7e2",
"code": "Ane123",
"name": "Anedot Sticker",
"value": "2.00"
"net_amount": "41.45",
"gross_amount": "250.0",
"fees_paid_by_donor": "false"
"last_name": "Dot",
"created_at": "2023-02-14 19:25:57 UTC",
"first_name": "Annie",
"ip_address": "",
"occupation": "",
"product_id": "435e1cdf-bcfc-4735-a83b-5916fff8c7e2",
"updated_at": "2023-02-14 19:25:57 UTC",
"utm_medium": "",
"utm_source": "",
"account_uid": "aa3480c1cb0b039147824",
"middle_name": "",
"source_code": "",
"utm_content": "",
"account_name": "The Charitable Foundation",
"address_city": "New Orleans",
"product_code": "Ane123",
"product_name": "Anedot Sticker",
"utm_campaign": "",
"employer_name": "",
"product_value": "2.00",
"action_page_id": "a04b0524-bf21-4fee-aee6-9e272a144e19",
"address_line_1": "1340 Poydras Street",
"address_line_2": "1770",
"address_region": "LA",
"address_country": "US",
"card_expiration": "12/2031",
"donation_amount": "$250.00",
"action_page_name": "",
"card_last_digits": "1111",
"donor_profile_id": "",
"referrer_to_form": "",
"created_at_iso8601": "2023-02-14T19:25:57Z",
"currently_employed": "true",
"updated_at_iso8601": "2023-02-14T19:25:57Z",
"address_postal_code": "70112",
"payment_method_type": "credit_card",
"custom_field_responses": {},
"communications_consent_email": "false",
"communications_consent_phone": "false"
Request Body (Donation Completed)
"event": "donation_completed",
"payload": {
"date": "2023-05-18 22:15:37 UTC",
"name": "Annie Q Dot",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "2255555555",
"title": "",
"origin": "hosted",
"source": "credit_card",
"status": "completed",
"suffix": "",
"donation": {
"id": "dd08e7abfaf8b7a394638",
"fees": {
"anedot_fees": {
"amount": "4.30"
"vendor_fees": []
"fund": {
"id": "ba528a52-be50-4674-8178-2fc7caa0ef41",
"name": "General Fund",
"identifier": "1001"
"products": [{
"name": "Anedot Sticker",
"internal_identifier": "Ane123"
"card_type": "master",
"card_last_digits": "5454",
"donation_project": "",
"credit_card_expiration": "04/2024"
"referrer": "",
"frequency": "once",
"last_name": "Dot",
"recurring": "false",
"created_at": "2023-05-18 22:15:37 UTC",
"first_name": "Annie",
"ip_address": "",
"net_amount": "95.70",
"occupation": "retired",
"updated_at": "2023-05-18 22:15:37 UTC",
"account_uid": "af93081937fed7ad4380c",
"middle_name": "Q",
"source_code": "",
"account_name": "The Charitable Foundation",
"address_city": "New Orleans",
"check_number": "",
"date_iso8601": "2023-05-18T22:15:37Z",
"event_amount": "100.00",
"employer_name": "vhjhj",
"submission_id": "ce9413be-fc6f-4cd4-a3d7-e4a3db26bacf",
"action_page_id": "5f6c9a30-726c-4167-a045-5c1bf669beea",
"address_line_1": "1239 First St",
"address_line_2": "",
"address_region": "LA",
"commitment_uid": "",
"address_country": "US",
"action_page_name": "Page 3",
"commitment_index": "",
"donor_profile_id": "948d2011-2e82-418c-a6e3-3cf2d571dd97",
"referrer_to_form": "",
"amount_in_dollars": "100.0",
"payment_method_id": "0443bd15-c322-4129-9465-9ec08ae5d6d4",
"created_at_iso8601": "2023-05-18T22:15:37Z",
"currently_employed": "false",
"updated_at_iso8601": "2023-05-18T22:15:37Z",
"address_postal_code": "12345",
"payment_description": "MasterCard •••• 5454",
"custom_field_responses": {},
"is_recurring_commitment": "false",
"commitment_recurring_until": "",
"communications_consent_email": "false",
"communications_consent_phone": "false"
Request Body (Donation Refunded)
"event": "donation_refunded",
"payload": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "2252501301",
"title": "",
"origin": "hosted",
"suffix": "",
"donation": {
"id": "d87a2ab14a0fa24795bab",
"fees": {
"anedot_fees": {},
"vendor_fees": []
"fund": {
"id": "d4bd7311-3a2e-46ab-95e7-71843083b837",
"name": "General Fund",
"identifier": "1001"
"products": [],
"card_type": "visa",
"card_last_digits": "1111",
"donation_project": "",
"credit_card_expiration": "12/2031"
"referrer": "",
"frequency": "once",
"last_name": "Dot",
"recurring": "false",
"created_at": "2022-12-21 18:47:38 UTC",
"first_name": "Annie",
"ip_address": "",
"net_amount": "-100.00",
"occupation": "",
"updated_at": "2022-12-21 18:49:48 UTC",
"account_uid": "aa3480c1cb0b039147824",
"middle_name": "",
"source_code": "",
"account_name": "The Charitable Foundation",
"address_city": "New Orleans",
"event_amount": "-100.00",
"employer_name": "",
"submission_id": "024c3555-ae08-4132-bc28-f3adf2f44300",
"action_page_id": "a04b0524-bf21-4fee-aee6-9e272a144e19",
"address_line_1": "1340 Poydras Street",
"address_line_2": "",
"address_region": "LA",
"commitment_uid": "",
"address_country": "US",
"action_page_name": "Main Donation Page",
"donor_profile_id": "948d2011-2e82-418c-a6e3-3cf2d571dd97",
"referrer_to_form": "",
"amount_in_dollars": "100.0",
"payment_method_id": "a9acfc30-ec80-4e10-834c-b335dff12a50",
"created_at_iso8601": "2022-12-21T18:47:38Z",
"currently_employed": "true",
"updated_at_iso8601": "2022-12-21T18:49:48Z",
"address_postal_code": "70112",
"custom_field_responses": {},
"is_recurring_commitment": "false",
"communications_consent_email": "false",
"communications_consent_phone": "false"
Request Body (Donation Voided)
"event": "donation_voided",
"payload": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "",
"title": "",
"origin": "hosted",
"suffix": "",
"donation": {
"id": "dd63f0481f5919ea6fee1",
"fees": {
"anedot_fees": {
"amount": "-0.18"
"vendor_fees": []
"fund": {
"id": "367a3290-c110-4092-8e45-7480485d2a08",
"name": "General Fund",
"identifier": "1001"
"products": [{
"name": "Anedot Sticker",
"internal_identifier": "Ane123"
"card_type": "master",
"card_last_digits": "1111",
"donation_project": "",
"credit_card_expiration": "02/2025"
"referrer": "",
"frequency": "once",
"last_name": "Dot",
"recurring": "false",
"created_at": "2023-02-07 21:20:24 UTC",
"first_name": "Annie",
"ip_address": "",
"net_amount": "-0.82",
"occupation": "",
"updated_at": "2023-02-08 00:23:54 UTC",
"account_uid": "aa3480c1cb0b039147824",
"middle_name": "",
"source_code": "",
"account_name": "The Charitable Foundation",
"address_city": "New Orleans",
"event_amount": "-1.00",
"employer_name": "",
"submission_id": "aba92442-8ab7-4bfd-a519-499985fbf568",
"action_page_id": "a04b0524-bf21-4fee-aee6-9e272a144e19",
"address_line_1": "1340 Poydras Street",
"address_line_2": "1770",
"address_region": "LA",
"commitment_uid": "",
"address_country": "US",
"action_page_name": "Main Donation Page",
"donor_profile_id": "",
"referrer_to_form": "",
"amount_in_dollars": "1.0",
"payment_method_id": "b430413a-143c-4bf8-a221-932c86e2c437",
"created_at_iso8601": "2023-02-07T21:20:24Z",
"currently_employed": "true",
"updated_at_iso8601": "2023-02-08T00:23:54Z",
"address_postal_code": "70112",
"custom_field_responses": {},
"is_recurring_commitment": "false",
"communications_consent_email": "false",
"communications_consent_phone": "false"
Response Body (Success)
"attempt": "01865164-44d2-ed12-db18-3ffeab6c5c71",
"id": "01865164-44d2-ed12-db18-3ffeab6c5c71",
"request_id": "01865164-44d2-ed12-db18-3ffeab6c5c71",
"status": "success"